The Parents’ Association (APE), managing body of the EFC
The Parents’ Association comprises the parents of all students enrolled at the EFC and is the legal entity that commits to the agreement signed with the AEFE.
A General Assembly is held at the beginning of each school year in order all for the parents’ association to elect 6 parents as the association’s committee. These 6 members of the executive committee are ex officio members of the Management Board.
This democratic system has been at the heart of our school’s values and governance since its creation, and enables all parents to play an active part in the school’s life and major issues.
The agreement between the ‘AEFE’ and the Parents’Association
The agreement provides a framework for the relationship between the parties involved in running the school: the parents represented by the Parents’ Association committee, the ‘AEFE’ represented by the Ambassador and the school direction appointed by the ‘AEFE’ It thus guaranties the management and organisation of the school, allowing all stakeholders to concentrate on their main mission, which is to provide quality teaching at the school.
The Management Board: the Parents’ Association executive body
- During the school year’s first General Assembly.
- 5 parent members (a president, a vice-president, a treasurer, and a secretary).
- Members are elected for 2 years.
- They are volunteers.
- In charge of the EFC’s development strategy and management in the interests of all parents who are members of the Parents’ Association.
- Is the legal representative of the school in the person of its President.
- Oversees the management of the school as carried out by the Headmaster and the Administrative and Financial Director.
President : Petros Josephides
Vice-President : Massimiliano Spatuzzi
Treasurer : Aliki Papadopoulou
Secretary : Andreas Dionysiou
Member : Sorin Hermon
1 non-voting member : Alaric Montenon
The Headmaster
Oversees the organisation and the running of the school
- Chairs the primary school council
- Manages the teaching staff
- Ensures regular training for the teaching team
- Encourages educational innovations
- Heads the development of the school’s action plan
- Promotes coordination as to ensure teaching and learning continuity
Ensures the running of the school
- Admission, reception, supervision, and safety of pupils
- Organises the drafting of and compliance with school rules
- Allocates teaching resources according to the number of students and classes
- Convenes and chairs the general school council
Is responsible for the safety of the school and its children:
- Organizes drills such as the specific safety plan and safety plans regarding fire, earthquake, and other risks
- Contributes to the protection of children in collaboration with the relevant services
- Identifies students in danger or at risk, and facilitates the coordination with the educational team
In constant and close collaboration with parents and school partners:
- Members of the management board, local officials, the embassy, AEFE officials, Alliance Française, partner schools
- Organisation of the parents’ association elections
- Families for their questions or concerns
- Facilitates and promotes parents’ participation and involvement in educational activities
The School Council
The School Council addresses all the pedagogical and educational issues for primary as well as secondary.
Among other things, it adopts the school’s action plan, rules and regulations, schedule, and school year calendar. It is consulted about the expatriate staff (post creation, suppression, and transformation), the programme for extra-curricular activities, the parents’ reception and information, the organisation and financing of school trips as well as any question relevant to the running of the EFC.
It comprises :
- Headmaster
- Primary School Coordinator
- Embassy’s Counsellor for cooperation and cultural action
- Administrative and Financial Director
- Head Education Adviser
- 3 primary and/or secondary parents
- 2 student representatives
- 5 staff representatives
- 1 representative of the parents’ association
- French consul
- Consular Advisers
- Vice-president of the Secondary School Council (CVL)
- 2 local figures
- AEFE delegated coordinator
The parents’ representatives are elected annually by parents in October. The School Council holds three ordinary meetings per year in October, March, and June.
Their role in the School Council is to convey the parents’ requests and concerns regarding all educational matters and school life.
The parents’ representatives also sit on the following committees: Disciplinary Council, Education Council, Health and Citizenship Education Committee, Health and Safety Committee.
The School Councils’ minutes can be found on the Eduka platform under the ‘documents’ tab then ‘High School publications.’
Primary School Council
The Primary School Council (Conseil d’Ecole) is the final body in the operation of a French school and deals exclusively with issues relating to the running and life of the primary school. It is consulted on matters voted on by the School Council (Conseil d’Etablissement), notably on primary school projects such as field trips, educational materials and tools, matters related to the hygiene, health, and safety of students, the reception and information of parents, and the general modalities of their participation in school life, etc.
It comprises :
- the Headmaster
- the Primary School Coordinator
- the parents’ representatives for Nursery and Primary School
- the Nursery and Primary teachers
In order to be a parent representative on the Primary School Council (Conseil d’Ecole), parents must submit their candidacy at the end of September each year for the elections organised by the school.
Parent representatives are elected for one year. The Primary School Council (Conseil d’Ecole) meets once a term, before the School Council (Conseil d’Etablissement), in October, March and June.
Vous pouvez retrouver l’ensemble des comptes rendus des Conseils d’École sur la plateforme Eduka, en cliquant sur l’onglet « Documents », puis « Publications du lycée ».
The School Councils’ minutes can be found on the Eduka platform under the ‘documents’ tab then ‘High School publications.’
Student Bodies
Middle School Council (CVC)
The Middle School Council is made up of ten elected members from the school’s student body, the Headmaster, staff representatives and parent representatives.
It aims at giving students the opportunity to make their own choices, to take part in the social life of the school, to build a community throughout the school thus enhancing the school’s image.
The CVC is entitled to make proposals on:
- issues relating to the general principles of school organisation, their school time, the development of the school’s Action Plan, rules and regulations, as well as issues relating to facilities, catering and boarding;
- the organisation of homework and support for students, as well as linguistic and cultural exchanges in partnership with foreign schools;
- actions to improve the well-being of students and the school climate as well as to promote student involvement;
it specifically entails encouraging cooperation and cohesion among students and strengthening the sense of belonging to the EFC. - the implementation of the Artistic and Cultural Education Curriculum, the Citizen Curriculum, the ‘Future’ Curriculum and the Health Education Curriculum.
- the training of student representatives
High School Council (CVL)
Le conseil de la vie lycéenne (CVL) rassemble dix élus lycéens et des représentants des personnels et des parents d’élèves. Ensemble, ils peuvent formuler des propositions sur tous les sujets de la vie quotidienne afin d’améliorer les conditions de vie au lycée. C’est le chef d’établissement qui préside cette instance.
The High School Council is made up of ten elected members from the school’s student body, staff representatives and parent representatives. They can submit proposals on all aspects of school life in order to improve it. The Headmaster chairs this body.
- Improving school life: Education Counselling, rules and regulations, tutoring, health, sports activities, student funds, etc.: the High School Council (CVL) is where all school practical issues are discussed.
- Discuss, exchange, and debate: the High School Council (CVL) is a privileged forum for listening and discussing issues with the adults of the educational community. The elected representatives can freely express their ideas: they convey the expectations and concerns of all High School students.
- Taking part in decision-making: High School Council (CVL) is also a source of ideas. Student representatives can express their opinions, suggest changes and solutions. The minutes of the High School Council are forwarded to the Management Board. Through their elected representatives, students are involved in the school’s decision-making process.